Cereal Chem 59:296 - 301. | VIEW
Relationship of Protein Fractions of Spring Wheat Flour to Baking Quality.
A. S. Hamada, C. E. McDonald, and L. D. Sibbitt. Copyright 1982 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The possible relationships between flour protein fractions and quality in hard red spring wheat were investigated. Eight cultivars differing widely in quality were comparably grown in 1976 at two locations in North Dakota. Average flour protein was 13.6 and 14.6% at the two locations, with a range between varieties at each location of 2-3 percentage points. Farinograph dough peak time and mixing stability varied widely between cultivars. Flour protein was fractionated into glutenin, gliadin, albumin, and nonprotein nitrogen by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150. A positive relationship appeared to exist between glutenin in flour protein and mixing strength, and a negative relationship appeared to exist between gliadin in flour protein and mixing strength. Glutenin was fractionated into a high molecular weight fraction (glutenin I) and a low molecular weight fraction (glutenin II) by gel filtration on Sepharose CL 2B using 5.5M guanidine hydrochloride as eluent. Glutenin I appears to be positively related to mixing strength. The loaf volume by a baking method that remixes the dough after fermentation was positively related to glutenin I. The protein fraction insoluble in 0.05M acetic acid (residue protein) also has the same relationships as that observed with glutenin I. Residue protein may be predominantly a high molecular weight glutenin like glutenin I.