Cereal Chem 60:286 - 292. | VIEW
Rice Stickiness. I. Determination of Rice Stickiness with an Instron Tester.
A. P. Mossman, D. A. Fellers, and H. Suzuki. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
An objective method of measuring the surface stickiness of cooked rice with an Instron tester is described, and the physical interpretation of the values obtained is discussed. The coefficient of variation (s/x) for the Instron itself was less than 5%. Factors in cooking and handling the rice that add 15% more to the coefficient for the method are identified and discussed. Reproducibility was adequate enough to allow easy distinction between sticky and nonsticky varieties and was substantially improved by optimizing the water to rice ratio used during cooking. Potential methods of using a Gelometer and a Farinograph to measure the stickines of a paste of cooked rice are briefly discussed.