Cereal Chem 60:292 - 295. | VIEW
Rice Stickiness. II. Application of an Instron Method to Make Varietal Comparisons and to Study Modification of Milled Rice by Hot-Air Treatment.
D. A. Fellers, A. P. Mossman, and H. Suzuki. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
An objective Instron method was used to measure the stickiness of samples from 12 rice varieties. Long- grain rices as a class were statistically differentiated from medium- and short-grain rices. The substantial variation in the method allows statistically significant differentiation among various medium- and short- grain rices only when stickiness differences are quite large, ie, 0.8 g.cm. Reduction in stickiness by treatment of milled rice with a hot-air (149-260 C) blast was readily followed. At 204 C, stickness of Calrose was reduced from 3.1 g.cm to 1.6 g.cm in 15 sec and to 0.4 g.cm in 30 sec, the latter value being typical of long-grain rice. Loss of gloss, sweet flavor, whiteness, and storage stability also accompanied hot- air treatments. Organoleptically determined stickiness of hot air-treated rices correlated at r = 0.98 with results from the Instron method. Plasma treatments of milled rices increased stickiness. Heating rice that had been immersed in safflower oil at 60 C reduced stickiness.