Cereal Chem 60:319 - 324. | VIEW
Physicochemical Changes in Cornstarch as a Function of Extrusion Variables.
J. Owusu- Ansah, F. R. van de Voort, and D. W. Stanley. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effect of primary extrusion variables, ie, temperature, feed moisture, and screw speed, on the gelatinization, water absorption index, water solubility, and cooked viscosity of cornstarch was studied. All the physicochemical characteristics measured except water solubility were significant in their first or second order terms. The responses measured were linearly and quadratically related to the variables and accounted for more than 90% of the total variation. Water solubility was not quadratically related to the extrusion variables but increased with increasing temperature and moisture content. The overall physicochemical results indicated some hydrolytic breakdown of starch during extrusion.