Cereal Chem 60:337 - 341. | VIEW
Alternative Systems for Sweetening Layer Cakes Using Aspartame With and Without Fructose.
D. A. Hess and C. S. Setser. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Layer cakes sweetened with aspartame, alone or in combination with low levels of fructose, were evaluated for texture and flavor by trained sensory panels and by physical measurements. The Instron Universal Testing Machine with a specially designed attachment was used for texture evaluation of cakes. Lemon, orange, spice, and chocolate layer cakes were baked in microwave and conventional ovens. No differences in sweetness and crumb bitterness were found between orange and spice cakes; lemon cakes were considered sweeter than spice cakes and had the most bitter crust. The chocolate cakes were judged to be similar in overall eating quality, and were sweeter, more bitter, less uniform in cell structure, less tender, and drier than the other three cakes. Cakes cooked in the microwave oven were generally sweeter than conventionally cooked cakes and were rated lower for sensory tenderness and moistness. Low levels of fructose enhanced sweetness and tenderness of layer cakes sweetened with aspartame.