Cereal Chem 60:51 - 55. | VIEW
The Pelshenke Test and Its Value in Estimating Bread-Making Properties of Hard Winter Wheats.
M. Monsivais, R. C. Hoseney, and K. F. Finney. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The Pelshenke test was evaluated for precision and possible sources of variation. The Pelshenke value of dough made with dry yeast was lower and had a smaller standard deviation than that of dough made with compressed yeast. Variations in hand mixing did not appear to affect the Pelshenke value. Pelshenke values were essentially constant for variations of 12.1-15.0% in protein content of Cloud hard winter wheat grown at one location. However, when the environment varied greatly and inherent quality was kept constant, wheat protein content of 23 location composites varied from 8.8 to 16.2%, and more than 97% of the variability in loaf volume was attributable to protein content alone, whereas 64% of the variability in Pelshenke value was attributable to environmental factors other than protein content. Linear correlations of loaf volume and dough mixing time to Pelshenke value, first when environment was variable and inherent quality was constant, and then when environment was constant and inherent quality was variable, indicated that Pelshenke value is largely a function of the environment and is related to quality and quantity of protein only to a limited (impractical) extent. In addition to protein content, the environment appears to affect the composition and/or quantity of other wheat flour components that affect Pelshenke value to an extent that overshadows the effect of quantity and quality of protein.