Cereal Chem 60:413 - 417. | VIEW
Germination of Soft White Wheat and Its Effect on Flour Fractions, Breadbaking, and Crumb Firmness.
M. M. Morad and G. L. Rubenthaler. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The pasting properties of bread crumb flour were modified by 20 and 36 hr of germination and were related to the degree of crumb firmness measured over a 96-hr storage period. Data indicated that insufficient or excess amylase activity increased crumb firmness and staling rate of bread. The amounts of soluble starch, amylose, and amylopectin increased with germination time and decreased in the crumb as the bread aged. Interchanging fractions of germinated and ungerminated material suggests simultaneous amylolytic and proteolytic activities. Thirty-six hours of germination modified the gluten fraction enough to prevent normal baking quality. Gluten from sound flour slightly improved loaf volume of the starch and water-solubles of the material germinated for 36 hr. Germination for 20 hr improved bread-baking quality.