Cereal Chem 60:442 - 445. | VIEW
Physical Testing and Dry Milling of High-Moisture Corn Preserved with Ammonia While Drying with Ambient Air.
A. J. Peplinski, S. R. Eckhoff, K. Warner, and R. A. Anderson. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Sublots of 20-1,500 bu of high-moisture corn were dried with unheated air, unheated air with intermittent application of anhydrous ammonia gas, and unheated air with intermittent application of anhydrous ammonia gas plus stirring. All lots were stored for eight months. Chemical analysis of whole grain showed little change in major components except for a 14% increase in nitrogen from both of the ammonia-treated sublots. Kernel hardness of all corn was unchanged after dry-down, whereas germination of both ammonia- treated grains was reduced. Stirring of corn increased the number of kernels with stress cracks. Dry milling yielded 60% low-fat prime products from the laboratory control sublot, 59 and 61% from two ammonia- treated grains, and 59% from the field-dried (untreated) control. Fat content of all dry-milled products was only slightly affected by type of grain treatment. Sensory evaluation tests to determine the effect of the treatments on flavor of the dry-milled products indicate that all grits had satisfactory flavors.