Cereal Chem 60:445 - 449. | VIEW
Rice Flour Treatment for Cake-Baking Applications.
M. M. Bean, E. A. Elliston-Hoops, and K. D. Nishita. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Treatment with water just before use can enhance the functionality of rice flour in baked products. Hydration with intense mixing and/or holding time improves eating quality, volume, and appearance of layer cakes made from 100% rice flour. Development of reducing sugars during long hydration may account for color improvement, but it is assumed that changes in protein and/or other components are involved in functional improvements. Flours from U.S. short- and medium-grain rices gave superior cake textural characteristics compared to those from U.S. long-grain rice. Baked products from rice flour may be used by those on allergy-restricted diets that do not permit consumption of wheat products.