Cereal Chem 60:65 - 71. | VIEW
Quantitative Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Total Proteins Extracted from Different Wheat Varieties: Effect of Protein Content.
J. G. Fullington, E. W. Cole, and D. D. Kasarda. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Total proteins were extracted from flour or seed samples differing in protein content for each of four wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties Prodax, Wanser, Atlas 66, and Nugaines, with buffers containing sodium dodecyl sulfate and mercaptoethanol. The reduced proteins were fractionated according to molecular weight by two methods of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, one giving much higher resolution than the other, and the results quantified by densitometry of the stained patterns. The patterns were considered in terms of five different molecular weight ranges that corresponded, to an extent, to the solubility fractions of wheat flour proteins. The proportion of low molecular weight albumins and globulins decreased significantly with increase in protein content for all four varieties, whereas the proportion of gliadins increased significantly for all but Atlas 66, both samples of which had relatively high protein content. The two methods yielded significantly different results for some of the molecular weight ranges considered; methods of staining and destaining gels that affected the amount of sodium dodecyl sulfate remaining complexed with the proteins also affected the results.