Cereal Chem 60:71 - 73. | VIEW
Influence of Succinylated Whey Protein Concentrate on Farinograph Characteristics and Bread Quality.
L. U. Thompson and L. M. Baker. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
When added to wheat flour, succinylated whey protein concentrates (SWC) decreased dough development time and stability compared with the addition of nonfat dry milk or whey concentrate. Lower volume, tenderness and acceptability, and lighter crust color of breads with SWC were also observed. Despite its high water-holding capacity, SWC did not effectively prevent the staling of bread. Addition of sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate did not significantly improve the effects of SWC. In general, succinylation did not improve the application of whey concentrate in breads.