Cereal Chem 60:80 - 82. | VIEW
Note: Minerals and Protein Contents in Hard Red Winter Wheat Flours.
Y. Pomeranz and E. Dikeman. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Twenty composite, experimentally milled, hard red winter wheat flours were analyzed for protein, ash, P, K, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Mn, and Cu. Ten flours were location composites; each composite represented equal quantities of flour from 25 wheat cultivars/selections at a location. The other 10 flours were cultivar/selection composites; each composite represented equal quantities of flour from a wheat cultivar/selection grown at 23 locations in the Great Plains. Average flour milling extractions were 73.5% for the location composites and 72.9% for the cultivar/selection composites. Composition ranges and coefficients of variation of the location composites generally were larger than composition ranges and coefficients of variation of the cultivar/selection composites. Flour protein was over 90% of the wheat protein; total ash and individual flour minerals generally were less than one third of the wheat minerals. The average content of individual flour minerals, as percentage of the wheat minerals, was 66% for Ca; 20-30% for P, K, Mg, Zn, Fe, and Cu; and about 13% for Mn, both in the location and in the cultivar/selection composites. The most consistent correlations among wheat and flour components were between protein and Zn, and between Zn and Fe for the cultivar/selection composites and between protein and Ca for the location composites.