Cereal Chem 60:212 - 216. | VIEW
Physicochemical Properties of Lily Starch.
C. Takeda, Y. Takeda, and S. Hizukuri. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The physicochemical properties of starch from lily (Maximovicz's lily, Lilium maximoroiczii, Regel) bulbs were investigated in detail. The starch contained 25% amylose (as judged from the iodine affinity) and 60 ppm of phosphorus. The limiting sedimentation coefficient and limiting viscosity number [eta] of the amylose were 2.33 x 10(-13) sec (90% dimethyl sulfoxide at 25 C) and 312 ml/g (1M KOH at 22.5 C), respectively. The amylose was found to be a branched molecule of d.p. 2,300 with an average of 4.9 chains by analyses of reducing and nonreducing residues and was hydrolyzed 89% with sweet potato beta-amylase. The lily amylopectin was found to have a chain length of d.p. 23.3 by rapid Smith degradation and was hydrolyzed 57% with beta-amylase. A clear difference was observed between the chain-length distribution of lily and potato amylopectins on gel-filtration chromatography. The amylograph of lily starch showed a lower maximum viscosity and considerably lower breakdown than did the amylograph of potato starch. Lily amylose showed a higher retrogradation tendency than potato amylose.