Cereal Chem 60:248 - 251. | VIEW
Reverse Osmosis of Soluble Fraction of Corn Stillage.
Y. V. Wu, K. R. Sexson, and J. S. Wall. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Reverse osmosis of a soluble fraction of corn stillage with 1.1% solids in a laboratory unit yielded 76% of the intial volume as permeate, which contained only 4.6% of total solids and 3.2% of total nitrogen of the soluble fraction. Conductivity of the permeate was 68% that of tap water, but it increased with solubles content of the stillage. Soluble fractions of stillage from fermentations using recycled stillage solubles contained much higher salts than ordinary stillage. On reverse osmosis, this fraction (with 4.4-6.6% solids) yielded 56-62% of original volume as permeate, which contained 10-18% of the total solids and 3.2-10% of the total nitrogen of the soluble fractions. Ultrafiltration before reverse osmosis extends the concentration range for reverse osmosis.