Cereal Chem 61:41 - 44. | VIEW
Sugar-Snap Cookies Prepared with Wheat-Navy Bean-Sesame Seed Flour Blends.
P. Hoojjat and M. E. Zabik. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Sugar-smap cookies were prepared with 20 and 30% navy bean-sesame seed flours substituted for wheat flour. Navy bean-sesame combinations were 20:0, 15:5, 10:10, 5:15, 0:20 for 20% substitutions, and 30:0, 20:10, 15:15, 10:20, and 0:20(w/w) for 30% substitutions. Cookie spread and top grain scores were reduced as the percentage of navy bean and/or sesame flour increased. Cookies with 20 and 30% of sesame flour alone were tough, and more force was needed to compress and break them. The force required to break and shear the cookies decreased with increasing levels of navy bean flour. Cookies containing up to and including 20% navy bean flour were scored above 4 on a 7-point scale by most sensory panelists. Panelists gave low scores to the flavor of cookies containg more that 10% sesame flour. Cookies with 20% substitution had better baking properties and organoleptic characteristics than did those with 30% substitution.