Cereal Chem 61:330 - 335. | VIEW
Solubilization of Iron in Cereals by Milk and Milk Fractions.
F. M. Clydesdale and D. B. Nadeau. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Whole milk alone and several of its fractions were evaluated for their effect on the total chemical iron profiles of both added elemental and endogenous iron in a corn-, a three-grain-, and a wheat-based cereal through a sequential pH treatment from the pH of the cereal, which was approximately 6.0 to 2.0 to 6.0. Whole milk, lactose-free milk, and nonfat dry milk generated more total soluble iron than a water control of each pH in the sequence. When deproteinized milk was used, the solubilization effect largely disappeared in the wheat and three-grain cereals, but remained to some degree in the corn cereal. The corn-based cereal also contained a larger amount of ionic iron than the other cereals, at all pH levels, with both the milk fractions and water.