Cereal Chem 61:363 - 371. | VIEW
Relationship of Heat Transfer and Water-Loss Rates to Crumb-Structure Development as Influenced by Monoglycerides.
J. D. Cloke, E. A. Davis, and J. Gordon. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The relationships among heat transfer, water-loss rates, and crumb-structure development were studied in model cake systems made with different levels of saturated and unsaturated monoglycerides. Air incorporation, volume, and dispersion of lipid-containing matrix were affected by emulsifier type and amount. Total water loss during the original baking was not affected by the nature of the emulsive system. Dynamic measurements of water-loss rates and temperature during baking were related to the nature of the emulsive system and could be associated with physicochemical changes during baking and final cake structure.