Cereal Chem 61:406 - 409. | VIEW
Modification of Wheat Flour Dough Characteristics by Cycloheptaamylose.
H. O. Kim and R. D. Hill. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effects of the addition of cycloheptaamylose (CHA) to wheat flour doughs on the amylograph viscosity, falling number, farinograph characteristics, and loaf volume have been examined. Cycloheptaamylose increased the amylograph viscosity of a sound wheat flour paste. The maximum viscosity of wheat starch was unaffected by CHA, although the temperature at maximum viscosity was lower. Amylograph peak viscosity of wheat flours containing alpha-amylase was increased by CHA. Cycloheptaamylose decreased the falling number of wheat starch and wheat flour suspensions in both the presence and absence of alpha- amylase. Farinograph absorption and development time were increased by CHA, as was the loaf volume of bread prepared by the Grain Research Laboratory Remix method.