Cereal Chem 61:409 - 414. | VIEW
Utilization of Dried Distillers Grain from Sorghum in Baked Food Systems.
M. M. Morad, C. A. Doherty, and L. W. Rooney. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Five sorghum varieties representing brown, yellow, white, and white waxy types were fermented into alcohol. The residual dried distillers grains (DDG) and commercial samples of DDG obtained from a brewery and a distillery were analyzed chemically and rheologically and were tested for possible applications in baked food systems. Sorghum DDG were higher in protein and lower in starch than the commercial DDG. Replacement of wheat flour with up to 15% DDG dec reased mixing and stability times of the doughs. Bread loaf volume decreased as substitution levels increased. Crumb color was directly related to the color of the DDG and level of substitution. Neutral detergent fiber and crude protein were higher in the sorghum and commercial DDG than wheat or sorghum flour. This resulted in higher neutral detergent fiber and crude protein in bread and cookies as substitution levels increased. With the exception of color, the quality of DDG sugar cookies at substitution levels up to 15% was comparable to that of controls. Molasses cookies containing up to 25% white sorghum DDG were superior to the control.