Cereal Chem 61:418 - 423. | VIEW
Bead-Making Test for 10 Grams of Flour.
M. D. Shogren and K. F. Finney. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A bread-making test for 10 g of flour was developed. Dough mixer, liquid-dispensing apparatus, shortening dispenser, dough molder, bread pans, and loaf volumeter are described. Comparisons of 10- and 100-g bread-making tests were made on fractionated and reconstituted flours, on two flour-protein series, one of station composites and the other of a single variety, on loaf-volume responses to various concentrations of glucose, and on a flour that responded to various levels of oxidation. Correlations between the 10- and 100- g bread-making tests ranged from r=0.976 to 4= 0.991.