Cereal Chem 61:435 - 438. | VIEW
Soy Enrichment of Chapaties Made from Wheat and Nonwheat Flours.
M. J. Lindell and C. E. Walker. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The chapati is a thin, steam-leavened bread that is the staple food of many semiarid nations. Because the chapati comprises a substantial part of the diet in these nations, it should be made as nutritionally complete as possible. Chapaties prepared with various blends of cereal flours were enriched with soy flour so that their nutritional quality would be improved. A reproducible method for preparing nonwheat chapaties was developed. Chapaties that puffed satisfactorily were prepared from the following blends: whole wheat-soy, grain sorghum-soy; corn-soy; proso millet-soy; and pearl millet-soy. A whole-wheat chapati was used as a control. The protein quality and quantity of the chapaties and the digestibility of the proteins present were improved when they were prepared with a soy flour blend. The blend was adjusted to have 5.5 g of lysine for every 100 g of protein in the composite flour. The corn-soy blend had the highest calculated protein- efficiency ratio---2.15---as compared with 1.41 for the unblended corn. In all cases, calculated protein- efficiency ratios were improved by being blended with soy flour.