Cereal Chem 61:60 - 62. | VIEW
Corn Dry-Milling Studies: Shortened Mill Flow and Reduced Temper Time and Moisture.
A. J. Peplinski, R. A. Anderson, and F. B. Alaksiewicz. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Experimental dry-milling studies on corn were conducted to establish a shortened mill flow that would reduce the number of operations in the milling process and provide raw materials for possible production of alcohol and/or starch. Results indicated that low-fat grits could be produced without going through the elaborate tempering and roller-milling procedures now used. Reducing corn temper moisture and temper time prior to degerming was shown to be feasible for production of low-fat grits, but the attached hull content was markedly increased when these conditions were used. For more refined uses of corn grits this would be objectionable but for the applications suggested above some attached hulls should present few or no problems.