Cereal Chem 61:463 - 465. | VIEW
Indian Durum Wheats. II. Effect of Conditioning Treatments on the Quality of Spaghettis.
D. K. Kathuria and J. S. Sidhu. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Two Indian durum wheats (DWL-5023 and DWL-5031) and one bread wheat (WL-711) were heat- conditioned and used to prepare spaghetti. Quality of spaghetti in relation to carotenoid pigments, lipoxygenase activity, cooking time, water uptake, gruel solids loss, and sensory attributes was determined. Spaghetti prepared from DWL-5023 was most acceptable to consumers and was followed by DWL-5031 and WL-711, respectively. Hot-water treatment (30 min) improved the color of cooked spaghetti. Steam- conditioning treatments at 1 atm for 2 min and at 2 atm for 1 min adversely affected texture, stickiness, odor, disintegration, and overall acceptability.