Cereal Chem 61:466 - 470. | VIEW
A Theoretical Approach to the Tempering of Grains.
K. H. Hsu. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Tempering of grains consists of two distinct periods: (1) absorption of water by grains and (2) distribution of the absorbed water within the kernels. Mathematical models based on Fick's law of diffusion in spherical bodies were developed to describe water movement in grains during these two periods. These models were used to simulate the effects of kernel size, initial moisture content, and water diffusivity, both individually and collectively, on the tempering requirement of grains. Results showed that tempering time increases with increase in kernel size and decreases with increase in initial moisture content and water diffusivity. Unless all factors are considered simultaneously, the tempering results obtained can be inconclusive. These results explained why some literature values have seemed contradictory.