Cereal Chem 61:504 - 509. | VIEW
Corn Distillers' Grains and Other By-Products of Alcohol Production in Blended Foods. I. Compositional and Nutritional Studies.
J. S. Wall, Y. V. Wu, W. F. Kwolek, G. N. Bookwalter, K. Warner, and M. R. Gumbmann. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Potential use of high-protein by-products of alcohol production by grain fermentation in blended food products for the Food for Peace donation program was investigated. Compositional data were obtained on corn distillers' dried grains (CDG) and CDG with solubles (CDGS) from commercial sources and on corn protein concentrates (CPC) obtained by fermenting degermed and dehulled dry-milled corn. Formulations of blended foods that conform to the primary guidelines for overseas donation programs for corn-soy-milk (CSM) were based on computer-derived calculations. These blends, which varied in amounts of cornmeal, soy flour, nonfat dry milk solids (NDMS), and CDG or CPC, were analyzed for protein, fat, ash, crude fiber, and amino acids. Formulations containing 10% CDG had 2.5-2.7% crude fiber, which exceeded the maximum limit of 2%. Levels of lysine were adequate for formulations containing either 5 or 10% corn distillers' grains, but blends containing 10% corn protein concentrates had inadequate levels. Rat-feeding tests were conducted on 12 blended foods to determine protein quality and digestibility. The addition of 10% distillers' grains to a CSM blend decreased the digestibility of solids approximately 2% and protein approximately 4%. The blends containing 5 and 10% CDG gave acceptable values of protein efficiency ration (PER). Corn protein concentrate of more than 2.5% reduced the PERs of the blends containing 5% NDMS to unacceptable values. Additional processing of distillers' by by-products may be required to meet standards for use in blended foods.