Cereal Chem 61:73 - 75. | VIEW
Use of Calcofluor in Analysis of Oat Beta-D-Glucan.
P. J. Wood and J. Weisz. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Addition of the fluorescent whitening agent Calcofluor to solutions of partially purified oat (1-3) (1-4)-beta- D-glucan gave precipitates that, on acid hydrolysis and high performance liquid chromatography, showed glucose as the only monosacchride present. Solutions obtained by extraction of oat flour with carbonate buffer at pH 10 also gave precipitates in the presence of Calcofluor. The beta-D-glucan determined by analysis of the material precipitated by Calcofluor was in good agreement with the values obtained from the difference between total glucan and alpha-glucan.