Cereal Chem 61:88 - 91. | VIEW
Functionality in White Layer Cake of Lipids from Untreated and Chlorinated Patent Flours. II. Flour Fraction Interchange Studies.
J. R. Donelson, W. T. Yamazaki, and L. T. Kissell. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Chlorinated and untreated cake flours were hexane extracted to remove free lipids and then fractionated by an aqueous procedure into prime starch, tailings, gluten, and water-soluble fractions. The fractions were reconstituted into dry blends such t hat one component from the respective flours was interchanged at a time. Bake results with a high-ratio layer-cake formulation showed that chlorinated lipids were the primary component contributing to cake-quality potential. Lipid-interchange studies between varieties and wheat classes indicated that this functionality was general and independent of the lipid source. Differences in cake volume between flours were shown to reside in the hexane-extracted flour residues.