Cereal Chem 61:100 - 105. | VIEW
Relationship of Sorghum Grain Hardness to Selected Physical and Chemical Measurements of Grain Quality.
G. B. Cagampang and A. W. Kirleis. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Selected physical and chemical measurements were used to determine grain quality of 15 sorghum cultivars differing widely in degree of grain hardness (endosperm texture). All assays were done on pearled grains. Results of the modified adhesion test, Instron back-extrusion test, alkali gel stiffness test, and weight ratio of cooked to uncooked grain were strongly correlated with grain vitreousness. The alkali disintegration test and microamylograph viscosities (peak and hot paste) were significantly but weakly correlated with grain vitreousness. Fats, ash, total sugars, soluble and kafirin proteins, and amylose content had some association with grain vitreousness.