Cereal Chem 61:182 - 186. | VIEW
Scanning Electron Microscope Views of Material from Various Stages in the Milling of Hard Red Winter, Soft Red Winter, and Durum Wheat.
A. B. Davis and W. D. Eustace. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The scanning electron microscope provides an interesting perspective in the examination of wheat milling. Initial fracture patterns following passage of mill stock through the break rolls show which portions of the endosperm will become middling stocks. Continued attrition in the milling flow results in the removal of most of the endosperm until the final layer of endosperm cells often adheres to the aleurone layer and the remainder of the bran. Major differences in the attrition patterns of hard red winter, soft red winter, and durum wheats are verified by this method of observation.