Cereal Chem 61:209 - 212. | VIEW
Factors Involved in the Stability of Frozen Dough. I. The Influence of Yeast Reducing Compounds on Frozen-Dough Stability.
M. J. Wolt and B. L. D'Appolonia. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Freeze damage to yeast increased the amount of low-molecular-weight sulfhydryl (SH) compounds leached from yeast cells. The material leached from frozen yeast was incorporated with flour and studied in rheological and baking tests. Leachate from yeast frozen for six weeks produced effects on farinograph and extensigraph tests similar to the addition of 50 ppm pure glutathione. The incorporation of a six-week leachate into a "no-time" dough system did not cause a change in loaf volume. Similar results were found with the incorporation of 50 ppm glutathione. Extensigraph tests of dough cylinders frozen for up to 10 weeks indicated a decrease in extensibility of the dough with frozen storage, whereas addition of yeast leachates increased dough extensibility. Free SH content of yeasted and non yeasted frozen doughs were evaluated over a storage period of 16 weeks. The free SH content of doughs with or without yeast in the system did not change significantly during the storage period. Rheological changes in both yeasted and non yeasted doughs during frozen storage were not associated with changes in free SH content of the doughs.