Cereal Chem 61:259 - 261. | VIEW
Sieving Characteristics of Soft and Hard Wheat Flours.
D. V. Neel and R. C. Hoseney. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The influence of four flowability characteristics on sifting efficiency was studied. Each flour system was sifted over a U.S. Standard 120-wire sieve through the use of a Rotrap sifter. The amount of material passing through the sieve as a function of time was collected, and the results were plotted on log-log paper. The data produced a straight line. The slope of the line was the sieving index, and the y intercept was the fraction passing at unit time. Those two variables (sieving index and y intercept) were used to ascertain the influence of moisture content, presence or absence of fat, particle size distribution, and particle surface roughness on sifting efficiency. Hard and soft wheat flour did not have the same sieving indexes until moisture content, presence or absence of fat, particle size distribution, and particle surface roughness were held at equivalent values. The sieving index for hard and soft wheat flour was controlled by the cohesivenesss of the flour system.