Cereal Chem 61:267 - 269. | VIEW
Effect of Corn Cultivar and Sample Variance on the Performance of Three Electronic Moisture Meters.
R. A. Gutheil, G. F. Krause, D. B. Brooker, and M. E. Anderson. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Six varieties of corn commonly grown in Missouri were used to evaluate the effect of variety on the performance of three electronic moisture meters. The variety of the corn was found to be of little importance in affecting the moisture determinations. Field data on one variety of corn harvested at different stages of drying were used to estimate within-variety variance among meters, field samples, and subsamples. There was greater variation among duplicate readings from a meter than among 250-g subsamples or 1,000-g field samples, which indicated that most of the inaccuracy of the meters stems from the individual moisture determinations. Meter inaccuracy increased for corn with higher moisture content, particularly that having about 25% moisture.