Cereal Chem 61:289 - 291. | VIEW
A Dry-Milling Evaluation of Trickle Sulfur Dioxide-Treat ed Corn.
A. J. Peplinski, R. A. Anderson, and S. R. Eckhoff. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Workers at Purdue University have refined the tricle sulfur dioxide (SO2) process for preserving high- moisture corn while drying it with ambient air. High-moisture corn was treated in bins with 0.2% SO2 (w/w), using three different procedures---normal trickle, reverse trickle, and treatment in an auger. Chemical analyses of corn dried by these treatments and an untreated control showed only small differences in fiber, ash, and nitrogen. Crude fat content of the SO2-treated corns was slightly lower than that of the untreated control. Fat acidity values of the untreated corn and of the corn treated with SO2 in an auger were considerably higher than those of the corn treated by the trickle procedures. Dry milling of the corn samples indicated some lowering of recovery of prime products (grits, low-fat meal, and flour) from corn treated by trickle procedures. However, fat content of prime products from all tests was comparable, generally 0.6% or less.