Cereal Chem 63:31-35 | VIEW
Physiochemical and Functional (Breadmaking) Properties of Hull-less Barley Fractions.
R. S. Bhatty. Copyright 1986 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Two cultivars of hull-less barley, Scout (two-rowed) and Tupper (six-rowed) were ground to a meal, milled to 70-74% flour yield, fine-pearled, and the pearled grain was ground into meal. The three fractions from each cultivar, meal, flour, and pearled meal, were used to study physiochemical and functional (breadmaking) properties. The fractions contained 13.3-18.9% protein (N x 6.25), 1.1-2.1% ash and lipids, and 0.8-1.6% fiber; palmitic (16:0), oleic (18:1), and linoleic (18:2) were the major fatty acids. The flour and pearled meal fractions, particularly of Tupper barley, were as white as commercial wheat flour. Particle size distribution showed barley flours contained about 25% large particles (greater than 150 microm), whereas wheat flour contained about 6%. A major portion of barley flour particles (44.5%) fell in the 38-44 microm range. The flour particles had a protruding matrix with mostly small starch granules embedded in it. The pearled meal of Scout had higher water hydration capacity, alkaline-water retention capacity, and fat absorption than did Tupper pearled meal. Barley flour had similar pasting temperature (64-66 C) to wheat flour but lower peak viscosity. The pearled meals had high Brabender peak (775-1,060 BU) and setback (755-1,300 BU) viscosities. Mixogram data and bread baked from composite flour samples suggested that 5% or possibly 10% barley flour could be added to wheat flour without seriously affecting loaf volume and bread appearance.