Cereal Chem 63:327-331 | VIEW
Relationship Between Lipid Content and Composition and Loaf Volume of Twenty-Six Common Spring Wheats.
F. Bekes, U. Zawistowska, R. R. Zillman, and W. Bushuk. Copyright 1986 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Flours of 26 common spring wheats grown at three locations in western Canada and whole grain meal of the samples from one location were subjected to various lipid analyses in an attempt to identify a constituent(s) that can be used to product breadmaking quality. Free lipids were extracted with n-hexane and bound lipids with water-saturated n-butanol after the n-hexane extraction. Free lipids were fractionated by silicic acid column chromatography into nonpolar (NL), glyco (GL) and phospho (PhL) lipids. The sum of GL and PhL was defined as polar lipids (PL). Highly significant correlations were obtained between loaf volume and various parameters derived from lipid content and composition. Linear regression equations based on these relationships and multiple linear regression equations in which loaf volume was expressed as a function of protein content, lipid content, and lipid composition parameters were developed for estimating loaf volume. The best estimation was obtained from the equation with protein content, NL/PL, and NL/GL as independent variables. For screening of plant breeders' populations, a good estimation of loaf volume could be obtained from either NL/PL or NL/GL determined on whole grain meal.