Cereal Chem 63:390-394 | VIEW
Statistical Evaluation of Different Technological and Biochemical Tests for Quality Assessment in Durum Wheats.
J. C. Autran, J. Abecassis, and P. Feillet. Copyright 1986 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Principal component analysis was carried out on results of nine quality tests applied to 112 durum wheat cultivars and breeding lines. Rheological-type characteristics (gluten firmness and elasticity, sodium dodecyl sulfate-sedimentation) were strongly associated, typically variety-dependent, and independent of protein content. Surface characteristics (stickiness, clumping) of cooked spaghetti appeared essentially independent of rheological characteristics and were significantly influenced by protein content and growing location, but they also remained significantly influenced by genotype. Attention was focused on the remarkable relationship between gluten rheological characteristics and the specific allele (gamma gliadin + low-molecular-weight glutenin as evidenced by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) present at the Gli-B1 chromosomic locus of durum wheat genotypes: allele "45" had a marked positive effect whereas allele "42" was deleterious as far as gluten characteristics were concerned. It was stressed, therefore, that surface characteristics of cooked pasta could not be predicted through rheological measurements of gliadin electrophoresis, making essential the separate evaluation of the two major components of durum pasta cooking quality.