Cereal Chem 63:395-400 | VIEW
Alveography in Quality Assessment of Soft White Winter Wheat Cultivars.
V. F. Rasper, M.- L. Pico, and R. G. Fulcher. Copyright 1986 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The suitability of alveography for quality assessment of soft white winter wheats was examined. The current standard alveograph technique based on biaxial extension of doughs with a constant flour solids to water ratio was compared with a procedure employing doughs of a variable water content but constant maximum development consistency. The tests were performed on straight-run flours milled from the wheat cultivar samples. Despite differences in the values of the individual alveogram indexes determined by the two testing procedures, no significant effect of index response to the variations in the grain quality was recorded, with the exception of P/L ratio. The strongest correlation between the results of the two procedures was found with the deformation energy (W) values (r=0.858, P less than 0.001). Quality ranking of the tested wheats based on these values was practically identical for both testing techniques. Replacing the standard technique with the constant dough consistency procedure had no significant effect on the strength of correlations between the alveogram indexes and other quality attributes of the tested flours. Most indexes correlated significantly with flour protein and MacMichael viscosity but failed to show any close relationship to cookie diameter, which was used as an indicator of the actual baking quality of the tested wheats.