Cereal Chem 63:451-455 | VIEW
Changes in Milling Properties of Newly Harvested Hard Wheat During Storage.
E. S. Posner and C. W. Deyoe. Copyright 1986 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The milling quality of newly harvested wheat is of interest to the miller because changes in flour quality and milling characteristics may occur during wheat storage. Small-scale milling experiments with hard red winter (HRW) wheat defined the changes that occur in milling and baking performance during the sweating period. These changes were examined by milling freshly harvested wheats both individually and in blends with HRW and hard red spring wheats from the previous crop year. Wide fluctuations in milling characteristics were observed resulting from storage of freshly harvested wheat. Results obtained from milling two consecutive crops of HRW wheat showed during the first five months an increase in flour extraction of 2-5%, sizing production of 2-3%, and average flour particle size about 11 microm. Statistical methods to fit a model for the milling characteristics revealed that flour quality characteristics did not react linearly with changes in the mill stocks. Regression procedures were used to determine relationships between technological evaluations of wheat and calculated milling values. The cost of storage time above 14 weeks exceeded the additional monetary benefits gained through improved milling results.