Cereal Chem 63:456-458 | VIEW
Effect of Heat-Moisture Treatment of Field Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Flour and Protein Isolate on Water Uptake.
A. M. R. Pilosof, R. Boquet, and G. B. Bartholomai. Copyright 1986 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Bean flour or protein isolates, equilibrated to moisture contents between 14 and 40%, were heated at either 70 or 90 C for various times. At every moisture content, the hydration capacity of bean flour increased with the time of heat treatment; increasing the moisture content increased the hydration capacity of the flour. The rate of water uptake of flour was increased by almost all heat-moisture treatments. The hydration capacity of bean protein isolate was reduced by heat-moisture treatments; extensive losses and hydration capacity occurred with increasing temperature and moisture content. The effect of heat-moisture treatments on the rate of water uptake of bean protein was not as pronounced as for bean flour.