Cereal Chem 63:506-511 | VIEW
Batter Properties of Yellow Pea Flour with Respect to Akla Preparation.
A. Osei-Yaw and J. R. Powers. Copyright 1986 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The batter properties of yellow pea (Pisum sativum) flours were studied with respect to akla, a popular West African deep-fat fried product, normally made with cowpeas. Dehulling decreased batter specific gravity and, thus, increased batter volume. Screen size used during grinding did not greatly affect flour particle size distributions or batter apparent viscosities but significantly affected batter specific gravities. Addition of salt to the batter caused a slight decrease in specific gravity and an increase in the stability of batter viscosity. Oil uptake by akla increased linearly with the moisture content of the b atter. Sensory panel scores showed no significant difference in preference for akla made from cowpeas or yellow peas among American panelists. African panelists preferred cowpea akla.