Cereal Chem 63:518-520 | VIEW
NOTE: Dye Binding to the Surface of Wheat Starch Granules.
M. Seguchi. Copyright 1986 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Protein-specific dyes (Coomassie brilliant blue, eosin Y, and amido black 10B) were bound to wheat prime starch granules. Microscopic observation of dye-treated starch granules showed color on their surface. Fluorescamine-treated starch granules showed fluorescence under a fluorescence microscope. Glass beads coated with bovine serum albumin could be stained with amido black 10B, but glass beads without this coating could not be stained. Phase contrast microscopic observation of amido black 10B-stained and dried starch granules showed peeling of their colored surface protein film from starch granules, indicating the presence of a protein film on the surface of the starch granule. After various treatments (7.0% HCl, 0.2% NaOH, and 1.0% sodium dodecyl sulfate) of wheat prime starch, dye-binding capacity (with amido black 10B) decreased to about 70% of the nontreated sample. Complete exclusion of the surface protein was not observed. After extensive treatment, the starch granules swelled and completely lost dye-binding capacity.