Cereal Chem 63:164-167 | VIEW
Effect of Tempering Parameters on Extinction and Ash of Proso Millet Flours, and Partial Characterization of Proso Starch.
G. A. Yanez and C. E. Walker. Copyright 1986 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
White proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) samples were tempered at three moisture levels and five different times before milling in a Brabender Quadrumat Jr. mill and sifting to obtain bran, coarse, and fine flours. The ash content and percent extraction decreased with increasing temper time, although flour extraction reductions were less pronounced. Ash content seemed to increase with increasing moisture, especially at higher levels. Starch characteristics were measured using a "microbowl" Brabender amylograph, differential scanning calorimetry, and Kofler hot stage. Results showed that the method used to isolate the starch influenced its characteristics. Under microscopic observation, proso starch granules were found to resemble those of rice but were similar to corn (maize) in gel and pasting characteristics.