Cereal Chem 63:304-310 | VIEW
Mechanical and Structural Evaluation of Texturized Soy Proteins of Varying Protein Content.
M. Kazemzadeh, K. C. Diehl, Jr., K. C. Rhee, and P. F. Dahm. Copyright 1986 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Defatted soy flour and mixtures of soy protein isolates and insoluble peanut carbohydrates varying from 20 to 80% isolate were extruded in a Wenger X-5 extruder. Experiments were performed on the extrudates using a Food Technology Corp. CS-1 cell, an Ottawa texture measurement system 10-cm2 wire cell, and the USDA Category 1 Tester (C1T) test. The samples were also examined by scanning electron microscopy and transmission light microscopy. Parameters from the tests on the isolate-carbohydrate extrudates were correlated with percent soy protein isolate. When the defatted soy flour extrudates were compared to the isolate-carbohydrate mixtures mechanically and microscopically, the soy extrudates, which had a protein content of 57.6%, were generally most closely related to the soy protein isolate-insoluble carbohydrate mixtures, which contained an isolate content in the 50-60% range. All of the instrumental parameters were highly correlated to the soy protein isolate content. A pronounced increase in all of the measured parameters occured between 40 and 70% soy protein isolate content.