Cereal Chem 64:299-301 | VIEW
Statistical Correlations Between Quality Attributes and Grain-Protein Composition for 60 Advanced Lines of Crossbred Wheat.
P. J. Cressey, W. P. Campbell, C. W. Wrigley, and W. B. Griffin. Copyright 1987 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Grain of advanced lines from New Zealand breeding programs was milled and analyzed for dough quality (extensigraph, farinograph, mechanical development), baking quality, grain hardness, and protein composition (gel electrophoresis at pH 3 and in sodium dodecyl sulfate) and by small-scale tests (sedimentation, residue). Very highly significant correlations (P less than 0.001) were found between many of these measures of grain quality (especially resistance of dough to extension) and the presence of specific gliadins and high molecular weight glutenin subunits (particularly 5 and 10, or 2 and 12). Segregation of the lines according to the presence of these glutenins and of gliadins 58 and 59 successfully identified a group of lines with mean dough resistance to extension well above (P less than 0.001) that of the others.