Cereal Chem 64:307-310 | VIEW
Corn Flour Addition to Wheat Flour Doughs---Effect on Rheological Properties.
L. L. Navickis. Copyright 1987 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Doughs were prepared from blends of a hard red spring wheat flour and dry-milled corn products. The shear modulus, G, of these doughs increased with replacement of the wheat flour solids by corn products. Stress relaxation behavior at constant deformation was determined, from which a time for 50% relaxation was interpolated from probability plots of percent stress decay against log time. This relaxation time, t50, increased as more corn product was incorporated. Loaf volumes decreased as the relaxation time increased. A loaf volume of 93% of the control (hard red spring wheat flour) could be achieved by the addition of wheat gluten. Mixogram patterns for these doughs mixed at a constant water content are reported.