Cereal Chem 64:315-321 | VIEW
Influence of Varietal Difference on Properties of Parboiled Rice.
K. R. Unnikrishnan and K. R. Bhattacharya. Copyright 1987 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Thirteen rice varieties with a wide range of quality attributes (high-amylose to waxy) were parboiled under mild and severe conditions. Hydration, amylose solubility, gel mobility, pasting behavior, slurry viscosity, and texture of the cooked rice samples changed in the order raw rice to mild to severely parboiled rice. However, the initial gradation of properties among the different varieties remained largely unchanged after parboiling. Thus, although rice became harder and less sticky after parboiling, a sticky variety remained relatively sticky and a nonsticky variety relatively nonsticky. Rice of quality types I and II (high total and insoluble amylose) were the most suitable for canning, as revealed by the canning-stability test. The texture of cooked rice, whether raw or parboiled, was highly correlated to the water-insoluble amylose content. Lipid-amylose complexation did not seem to explain the hardening of rice after parboiling.