Cereal Chem 64:332-336 | VIEW
Physical Properties and Some Nutritional Characteristics of an Extrusion Product with Defatted Amaranth Seeds and Defatted Maize Gluten Meal (80:20 Ratio).
S. J. Koeppe, P. L. Harris, M. A. Hanna, J. H. Rupnow, C. E. Walker, and S. L. Cuppett. Copyright 1987 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Finely ground and defatted seeds of Amaranthus hypochondriacus were blended with defatted maize gluten meal in an 80:20 ratio (w/w, db). Samples were adjusted to a moisture content of 12.5% (db) and extruded at a barrel temperature of 150 C with a screw speed of 150 rpm. Analyses of the pre-extrusion blend and extrudates included proximate analysis, Lee-Kramer shear, water holding capacity, bulk density, and puff ratio determinations where applicable. Nutritional considerations included determination of available lysine, trypsin inhibitor activity, in vitro digestibilities, amino acid analysis, and calculated protein efficiency ratios. Background levels of trypsin inhibitor were essentially destroyed with extrusion cooking, whereas no loss in lysine availability was evident. An exceptionally high in vitro digestibility (85.4%) was determined for the extruded product in addition to a calculated protein efficiency ratio value of 1.27.