Cereal Chem 64:359-363 | VIEW
High Alpha-Amylase Flours: Effect of pH, Acid, and Salt on Paste Characteristics.
K. Harinder and G. S. Bains. Copyright 1987 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Falling number and amylograph viscosity results demonstrated the beneficial effect of reduced pH in conjunction with salt on the pastes of high alpha-amylase flours. A salt concentration of 1.88% distinctly counteracted the detrimental effect of increased alpha-amylase levels of 108, 218, and 540 SKB units/100 g of flour. At pH 4.2, the liquefying action of alpha-amylase was considerably retarded. The peak viscosity of pastes increased considerably as the pH was adjusted to 4.2 with either lactic or hydrochloric acid and a concentration of 1.56% salt in the flour-water slurry.