Cereal Chem 64:363-370 | VIEW
Air Classification of Pin-Milled Break and Middling Flours from Hard Red Spring Wheat.
D. M. Nowakowski, F. W. Sosulski, and R. D. Reichert. Copyright 1987 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Two passes through a commercial pin mill doubled starch damage and increased the degree of particle size reduction (less than 45 micrometers diameter) to 94% for fifth break flour and to 95% for first middling flour, based on image analysis. Air classification of the twice-milled break flour yielded over 30% of high- protein fraction (28.2% protein, 45.9% starch, 14.0% moisture basis) and 54% of a medium-protein fraction (13.8% protein, 0.40% ash). The twice pin-milled middlings were air classified into 24% of high- (25.0% protein), 22% medium- (12.0% protein), and 54% low- (5.9% protein, 77.4% starch) protein fractions. The two high-protein fractions substituted for gluten at an equal protein basis in bread formulations that contained 15 ppm potassium bromate. The medium-protein fraction from air classification of fifth break flour did not adversely affect loaf volumes and bread scores when blended with patent and bakers' flour at nine and 15%, respectively, in formulations containing 15 ppm potassium bromate.