Cereal Chem 64:390-394 | VIEW
Thin Porridges (Atole) Prepared from Maize and Sorghum.
N. E. Vivas, R. D. Waniska, and L. W. Rooney. Copyright 1987 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Thin porridges (atoles) were prepared from food-grade white maize or white sorghum using modified traditional methods. Flours and atoles were prepared in the laboratory from roasted, nixtamalized, or steeped grains. Sorghum was decorticated 10% before processing. Experimental flours and atoles were evaluated for their physical, chemical, and organoleptic properties. Atoles prepared by roasting or nixtamalization from both grains had pleasant roasted and nixtamalized flavors and aromas. Atoles prepared by steeping had bland flavors that were less acceptable than roasted and nixtamalized flavors. Consistency of atole was affected by preparation procedure, starch content, and extent of starch gelatinization or dextrinization. Maize flours and atoles had larger particle sizes and coarser textures compared to sorghum products. Good quality, acceptable atoles were prepared from white maize or white sorghum.